Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I read Amber's book, I wish I was better at writing reviews. Her work deserves to be praised beyond anything I am capable of. I like the reviews with pictures and gifs.
*insert crying gif here*
The first time I read Puddle Jumping was probably about four years ago in it's original form. I stayed up all night and reviewed every chapter. The book hangover I had the next morning was the kind that I'd gladly have everyday if it meant I was able to read a book for the first time over and over, you know.
Luckily for me, Amber decided to rework the story for publication, so even though it is technically the same plot, when Amber asked if I wanted to read the story while she was in edits, I got to read the story again for what felt like the first time once more.
Then she sent me an ARC!
And all three times I fell in love again.
I'm a huge fan of Amber L. Johnson in general. She can do no, write no wrong in my eyes, but Puddle Jumping has always been my very favorite story from her. The tenderness of the characters and the grace the author uses handling the plot is admiring.
People are born different, and people love different. Amber gets that, and she was able to write it in a away to make her readers understand. She does not want you to feel sorry for Colton, she wants you to see him!
Whenever I'm asked for recommendation, I recommend Amber L. Johnson's Beatless, but I am THRILLED about the release of Puddle Jumping. And I cannot wait for everyone to fall in love like I have.
*Insert standing ovation gif here*
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